Short Survey February 2023
Reminder about Short Surveys – We know surveys are time-consuming and sometimes not fun to do. We don’t want teams to have to sit and fill out a long survey at their first event before checking in.
We have provided a series of short surveys for you to take once a month. Below are links to the previous surveys. Make sure to complete each month’s survey.
Here are the links to the previous surveys:
VIP and Educator Summits
Send this link to teachers, counselors, administrators, etc., to attend one of our Educator Summits – Read More…
Send them this link TODAY – https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/energize-your-workforce-1328219?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=creatorshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=odclsxcollection&utm-source=cp&aff=escb
FRC Team Calls
Every Tuesday beginning January 10th. All of these calls are 30 minutes. They will typically cover one topic, and there will be some Q&A.
February 7th – Wiring! Join us to learn some great tips and tricks for wiring that FRC Robot. Thanks to Mark Horne for being our resident wiring expert.
February 14th – Empowering your students – Join some of our student board of directors for this call to hear about ways that teams can encourage student leadership and development.
Register for the calls here – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkd-2upjgiE9TymW-yrWaUcaRra_zLDGBg
Award Submissions Close Soon!
The 2023 FIRST® Impact Award, Dean’s List Award, and Woodie Flowers Award application portals close soon!
The Woodie Flowers Award and the Dean’s List Award applications will close on Thursday, February 9, 2023. The FIRST Impact Award application will close on Thursday, February 16, 2023.
Please note:
- For the FIRST Impact Award & Woodie Flowers Award, a student can only be assigned as an award submitter if their parent/guardian has signed the Consent & Release Form.
- Lead mentors 1 and 2 are now able to submit for the FIRST Impact Award. While we are allowing this option, we still strongly encourage this submission to be made by students.
- Students must have a signed 2023 FIRST Consent & Release form to be nominated and interviewed for the Dean’s List Award.
Find more information, including steps to designate an award submitter, on the Awards page and our Helpful Tips for Award Submissions page.
Submit your senior information for our year-end celebration.
Send a spreadsheet to cosborne@firstindianarobotics.org with the following headers.
First Name
Last Initial
Team Number
Team Name
Plans for next year (specific university or “university” if undecided, military – branch, employment, etc.)
Intended Major if going to university, trade school, etc.
Attach a folder with pictures of seniors. Please name the files – firstnamelastinitial.jpg (chriso.jpg). If you have students with similar first names and last initials, please differentiate by putting first and last names.
We need this by March 30th, 2023.
Apply for the Student Board of Directors
Student Board of Directors Application 2023-2024 LIVE
Subscribe to our Calendar
Subscribe to FIN FRC Calendar