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Tell us how you want to shape FIRST Indiana Robotics and build a robotics community that prepares young people for life.

  • Are there projects you’d like to see the community engage in?
  • Would you like to coordinate a team social?
  • What does/should it mean to be a part of FIRST Indiana Robotics?

Meet with Renee Becker-Blau in-person on Sunday, January 5th in Carmel, IN from 4pm – 6pm and chat about FIRST Indiana Robotics & the new FRC challenge Infinite Recharge!

Plan on ordering your own food and drink, choose your food options from the Sun King Restaurant partners: Oca, La Margarita, The Den by Foxgardin, and Pi. Sun King Spirits is an all-ages space, but you must be 21+ years of age to enjoy our beer or spirits.

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